In 2021, the DeFi market capitalization reached its peak of $3 trillion. But the market is a dynamic system, so in 2022, this figure dropped significantly. However, the market is still ongoing and will be profitable.The new word in DeFi profitability is Real World Asset Tokenization (RWA)!
Real World Asset (RWA) is a promising trend in the DeFi market. Simply put, this technology allows you to tokenize real-world objects and profit from their monetization. RWAs include precious metals, real estate, insurance, consumer goods, and credit records. Today we will take a closer look at RWAs in the real estate market!
Everyone in the DeFi market seems to be talking about real-world asset (RWA) tokenization in 2023. It's a growing trend that's attracting more and more attention from people around the world. Even market giants like Binance are trying to predict how tokenization will affect returns in DeFi. They recently published an entire report on the subject.
One of DigiU's principles of work is honesty and openness. All company documents are in the public domain: in the “Information” section of your personal account. Partners regularly ask us questions related to these documents or the legal component of the company in general. In this post, we answer some of them in detail
The world is constantly moving forward, and we see new technological trends every year! DigiU does not stand still: we know about the latest developments and consistently implement them in our work.
Let's tell you about some new technology trends that will conquer the market in 2023!