DigiU - DigiU.Wealth: Roadmap

DigiU.Wealth: Roadmap

DigiU.Wealth: Roadmap

In October, our first commercial product, DigiU.Wealth, turns 3 years old.

Over the past 3 years, 2,519 people have become its clients and have actively used the tools provided by the product to generate profits!

We congratulate DigiU.Wealth and are grateful for the opportunities it has opened up for us!

This summer, at the conference in India, Alexey Ognev spoke about plans to create the first RWA bank. In his speech post, you could familiarize yourself with the concept. After that, the ecosystem's plans for the development of DigiU.Wealth and the creation of an RWA bank became evident to many of our partners!

The one who creates such a product first will impact the entire tokenized assets market and stand at the forefront of a new financial system.

And now, let's look at the roadmap we need to follow before the RWA bank is introduced into the ecosystem:

Step 1: Adding new products in the form of long-term deposits (Q4 2023)

Step 2: Transition to smart contracts and decentralization (Q3 2024)

Step 3: Conducting smart contract audits (Q4 2024)

Step 4: Test launch of products in the form of loans secured by cryptocurrency (Q4 2024)

Step 5: Launching a product in the form of mortgages secured by RWA tokens (Q1 2025)

Step 6: Obtaining the necessary banking and crypto licenses (Q2-Q4 2025)

It is crucial to implement this path within 2024-2025 and enter the market during the next bull run.

Impressive plans, aren't they?

Stay closely tuned to the product's development, share this post with partners, and stay with us!

In September, the returns were the following:

USDT 1,89%

ETH 1,05%

BTC 1,00%

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