DigiU - news and events

news and events


EYWA is actively involved in the global crypto community! From the 11th to the 14th of September, EYWA representatives traveled to Lisbon to take part in the biggest event of the NEAR Ecosystem, NEARCON 2022.

Highlights from the EYWA AMA Session Part 2

We continue to cover the main topics of the EYWA AMA Session! Today's post features EYWA CEO Boris Povar's answers to questions about EYWA DAO, NFT and who is responsible for the security of the project

Highlights from the EYWA AMA Session Part 1

The first potential unicorn of the ecosystem continues to grow, and EYWA CEO Boris Povar and CMO Nik Krasnoperov recently shared EYWA's achievements at the AMA Session. This post answers some important questions from that meeting

Attention, Dear DigiU Partners!

The Ethereum network is moving to a new consensus mechanism - Proof of Stake (PoS). This means that now the decisions to create a new block in the blockchain will be made not by miners, but by those who invest their ETH.

EYWA Highlights of August

An important event happened on September 2 - all DigiU investors were awarded with EYWA tokens. This is a momentous event for the entire ecosystem!

Digiu.Wealth returns for August 2022

How to earn more with DigiU.Wealth?

Congratulations on your EYWA tokens!

Congratulations on your EYWA tokens!

Launching a new channel in Persian!

Great news for partners from Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan: now you can watch DigiU video content in your language!

Best Tool to Understand DigiU.Wealth

This Thursday we are launching a replay of the webinar about DigiU.Wealth with the founder of the product, Sergey Zinenko.

DigiU.Wealth returns for July

The total return for July was:

List of the most popular questions about DigiU in July

❓ Why is there an activation fee?

❓ Will I receive referral income from the DigiU.Wealth Partner Program if I don't renew my license?

❓ How do partners earn income from DigiU?

Photo report from the conference in Manado!

On Saturday, the DigiU conference in Indonesia was held with the participation of company founders, leaders and Manado's top officials. Here's a photo report!

Conference in Indonesia: today!

Today at 15:00 (Manado) there will be a large-scale DigiU conference in Indonesia! Guests will be able to meet CEO Alexey Ognev, CSPO Alexander I and CBDO Sergey Zinenko, and be among the first to learn about company updates and upcoming events!

DigiU Meetings in Indonesia

During the roadshow, the DigiU ecosystem addresses many important strategic objectives. One of them is building relationships, long-term plans, and sharing experiences with high-tech companies, educational institutions, and other entities interested in partnerships and the development of modern technologies.

First photos from the DigiU trip to Indonesia!

Watch how the DigiU team was welcomed by the Indonesian partners.

Indonesia is the next country of the roadshow!

✈️Right now the DigiU team is heading to Indonesia!

Check out the photo report from the conference in Vietnam!

Where to find answers to questions about DigiU.Wealth

To make it convenient for you to use the first investment product of the ecosystem, we collected all the basic information about it on the product page in your Personal Account.

How the roadshow will affect DigiU partners

We actively share information about the DigiU Roadshow on social media. We talk about what it is, why we are doing it, and share photos from the trip. Today we will tell you how the roadshow will affect the development of the ecosystem and the profit growth of its investors!

Who is the DigiU ecosystem negotiating with?

Negotiations are one of the key business processes at DigiU. The success of the company's further development often depends on this process. In addition, in a business environment, negotiations are the means of building relationships to achieve desired objectives.

The Roadshow has started!

We are happy to announce that we have arrived in Vietnam, the first country of our roadshow.

Instructions: how to get the maximum amount of DigiU Bonus shares

This post will tell you how to get all the possible DigiU bonus shares! Read the instruction????

Why do we do a roadshow?

Roadshow is an investment term for touring the countries with the highest number of active clients.

EYWA Achievements

In June, our first potential unicorn of the ecosystem, EYWA, delighted us with new achievements! We'll summarise them in this post????

DigiU.Wealth returns for June 2022

The total return for June was:
✅ USDT 2.67%
✅ ETH 1.7%
✅ BTC 1.4%