DigiU - New DigiU Products: Deposits

New DigiU Products: Deposits

New DigiU Products: Deposits

One of the main goals for the end of 2023 at DigiU is the creation of the RWA-Bank. As we've mentioned before, the first step is introducing new products in the form of long-term deposits within the DigiU.Wealth product, which we plan to implement in the fourth quarter of 2023.

What are these deposits, and how can you earn from them?

  • Currencies: USDT, BTC, ETH.
  • Deposit duration: 6 and 12 months.
  • The deposit is locked for the entire duration with no early withdrawal option.
  • Returns are reinvested, and withdrawal is only possible after the term ends.
  • Returns are increased through farming DigiU and RWA-Bank shares.

Are you interested in such a product?

In October, the returns were:

USDT 1,89%

ETH 1,05%

BTC 1,00%

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