DigiU - ​Results of the Second Stage of RWA Projects Financing and Future Plans

​Results of the Second Stage of RWA Projects Financing and Future Plans

​Results of the Second Stage of RWA Projects Financing and Future Plans

The second funding stage of RWA projects has concluded. Congratulations to all participants!

In the second stage of the second distribution, 527 partners participated, contributing a total of 21,474,712.7 shares.

In total, 754 partners participated in the second stage of financing, contributing 34,112,216.14 shares.

The maximum payout was 926,382.

The minimum was 62.

Check the payout results in your personal account under the «Investor’s Portfolio» section.

CEO of DigiU, Alexey Ognev, discussed the results of the second stage of financing, plans for launching new products, and details of the third stage of RWA projects in a webinar.

Watch the full webinar to get all the latest information!

Webinar link


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