DigiU - Multichain Collapse - Chance for EYWA

Multichain Collapse - Chance for EYWA

Multichain Collapse - Chance for EYWA

In late May, the DeFi market was rocked by news of major disruptions in Multichain, the largest cross-chain liquidity protocol. Users reported transaction failures, and the project representatives announced a mysterious force majeure on Twitter. The team still hasn't been able to reach the CEO, once again highlighting the importance of decentralization in such projects! Even Binance Smart Chain advises caution with Multichain, not to mention other market participants...

????This event could change the market's trajectory!

The main mistake of Multichain, which partly led to the current problems, is the lack of decentralization and the concentration of liquidity in a few hands. However, this problem presents new opportunities for EYWA! We received a comment from EYWA's CEO, Boris Povar????

????"The issues with the Multichain project once again demonstrate that we are on the right path - cross-chain bridge liquidity should belong to and be controlled by its owners, not the project team. For the Fantom blockchain ecosystem, where there are no native stablecoins (issued by official issuers), we can offer an alternative - the use of our e-tokens: eUSDT, eUSDC, eDAI, eTUSD, EUSD. They are secure, collateralized, and do not carry such risks. Therefore, we hold a strategic advantage!"

⭐️Thus, the collapse of Multichain opens up opportunities for EYWA to capture a significant portion of the market by offering a more efficient solution and greater security. EYWA's technical readiness allows for the launch of a DEX, taking into account the necessary adjustments in light of recent events, in the near future.

⏳The DigiU ecosystem eagerly awaits the project's launch in the first weeks of June. Let's support the team: show your excitement by leaving reactions to demonstrate your anticipation for this event!


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