DigiU offers its partners 4 ways to earn at once️Dividends.
You can invest in a project and receive dividends from your investments. We pay every six months and each time more and more! In 2022, we distributed dividends twice and paid out $177,000 in total. And on January 15, we paid out another $89,000.️DigiU technology products and their promotion.
You can invest in specific DigiU ecosystem products and profit from their monetization. For example, the DigiU.Wealth product, which has been making monthly profits in cryptocurrency for 2.5 years. The product has an affiliate program as well! Also, the potential EYWA unicorn is coming into commercial operation soon, and you can also earn money by investing in it!️Increase in the value of securities.
The bigger the opportunities and more global achievements of DigiU are, the higher the value of the company's shares is. By purchasing DigiU shares now, you can earn from selling them in the future. Part of the profit from the project will be used to buy securities back. We plan to buy back shares when the products and developments successfully prove themselves in the market.️Affiliate program and information promotion.
You can build a multi-level affiliate network and profit from the informational promotion of the project. Active partners have been successfully earning through the Affiliate Program since the beginning of the DigiU project.
Choose your own way to earn with DigiU or use all of them at once. The opportunity to get maximum profit is in your hands!
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