DigiU - Imagine DigiU in 5 years' time

Imagine DigiU in 5 years' time

Imagine DigiU in 5 years' time

???? Let's look into the future...

You are a full co-owner of the DigiU meta-universe. You profit from the development of this virtual world, hundreds of artificial intelligence and blockchain start-ups, you learn relevant knowledge, you are surrounded by successful people who share your vision.

In the meta-universe, DigiU shares are a real digital financial unit. And you took care of the future and invested in the company at a profitable value in 2020-2022...

Let's go back to the present. As of today, we have a 4-stage development plan:
⭐️Step 1: Increase share value and multiply dividends (through DigiU.Wealth and new products).
⭐️Step 2: Launch and development of the venture capital fund.
⭐️Step 3: Setting up the company's own technopolis.
⭐️Step 4: Launching DigiU meta-universe

????Now we are at the first step. Our main goal in the next year is to increase the amount of funds in the DigiU.Wealth product management by 100 times. Increasing the amount of funds in the product will allow everyone to get more dividends by the end of the year. In addition, by that time we will see the success of the EYWA project going mainnet and generating profits from its activities.

????You can bring a future full of opportunities closer by buying DigiU shares. After all, one of the company's goals in all 4 stages is to reach a much higher dividend income. We will bring you the economics of these stages soon!

We understand that this is a global plan that requires a huge amount of time, resources and investment. We know what to do and have explicit strategies for achieving each of the 4 stages!

Explore the stages, create a better future for yourself and your loved ones and immerse yourself in the world of DigiU!


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