DigiU - How the DigiU dividends are formed

How the DigiU dividends are formed

How the DigiU dividends are formed

In a month's time, all DigiU ecosystem partners will receive their fourth dividend. We pay out dividends every six months and, for the second year in a row, we have consistently followed the declared schedule.

We have achieved such clarity in this process thanks to the DigiU.Wealth product.

????It is the profit from DigiU.Wealth that allows us to pay dividends. The idea behind its operation is simple: we earn on commissions from exchange transactions on the DeFi market. The more money the product manages, the higher the profit, and therefore the higher the dividend!

One of our main goals for 2022 is to increase the amount of funds in the DigiU.Wealth product by 100 times.

????The ideal scenario we're aiming for looks like this: you buy $1000 worth of company shares and get a $500-$1000 dividend payout per year. Most importantly, the dividend payments are maintained for the whole time the company is developing and existing!

????DeFi is a reliable and convenient tool, we feel confident in this direction and use smart strategies that allow you to get returns higher than in the market with almost no risk.

????We are confident in our chosen strategy and know how to increase your dividends!

Soon we will hold a webinar with CBDO Sergey Zinenko, who will talk more about DigiU.Wealth product and strategy. Stay tuned for more updates!


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