We recently published a post where we answered some important questions from partners about the legal side of DigiU in detail. Today we publish the second part DigiU securities are notes. What kind of note is DigiU? Structured with protection or not?
The DigiU notes are not structured. The underlying asset of the note is a share of DigiU.Holdings. The return on the notes = the return on DigiU shares.Can the ISIN of the subsidiary company DIGIU FINANCE LTD be found on the Cyprus Stock Exchange? If so, on which website should I look?
ISIN number is assigned by the National Numbering Agency (NNA). Each country has its own NNA. In Cyprus, this role is performed by the Cyprus Stock Exchange. Anyone can search these sites. Authorization is required to access the search.Where can I see the company's financial statements?
DigiU's legal department is currently in the process of structuring the business under European law. Once this process is completed, it will be possible to publish the audited accounts of the holding company DIGIU FINANCE LTD in accordance with the rules of the European Union. Until then we are not allowed to publish information so as not to violate the requirements of the law.
Study these matters carefully to better understand the company in which you invest! We remind you that you can review important company documents in the Information section of your Personal Account https://lk.digiu.ai/cabinet/support/index
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