Are you familiar with the DigiU concept?
It is a document that outlines the company's mission, our plans, a description of the market in which we operate, the stages of implementation, capitalization points and legal issues.
At each webinar, DigiU CEO Alexey Ognev mentions the project concept - it is the core document of DigiU!️It is important for every partner and investor of the company to have a look at this document! Since the beginning of DigiU, it has been a great tool for leaders and a source of important information about the company. It is where you can find answers to many of your questions!
If you read the concept now, you will notice that we have come a long way in 2 years and have achieved results far beyond all expectations! We are now working on additional chapters to explain how the results we achieved have brought us closer to our stated goal and how the market for modern technology has changed due to the pandemic and the current crisis.
To give you an in-depth understanding of the concept and make it easy for you to tell your partners about it, we will prepare a series of posts about different sections of this document. Follow the updates!
Save thelink to the concept, which is available in 10 languages, and share it with your friends and partners!
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