DigiU - DigiU 2020-2021: what has been done

DigiU 2020-2021: what has been done

DigiU 2020-2021: what has been done

Last year, we held the first Major DigiU 2020 conference.

???? Ambitious goals were set:

???? Complete the issuance of securities with ISIN.
???? Expand the blockchain lab and create new products.
???? Focus on developing a venture capital fund.
???? Open new National Representative Offices in the most active partner countries of the project.

In one year, we have achieved a lot and achieved what we talked about:

✅ Completed the ISIN issuance procedure.
✅ Blockchain DigiU.Lab created the revolutionary DeFi project EYWA, which is now in the alpha testing phase.
✅ The DigiU.Ventures fund has entered into an agreement with other international funds, such as BR Capital, has acted as an investor in the future unicorn EYWA and is organising a hackathon with EYWA right now.
✅ We opened national offices in 7 countries around the world.

And this is by no means a complete list of our victories!
???? This year, we set new big goals!

The second annual DigiU Birthday Conference will be held in December. From the Conference, you'll learn about the project's successes and plans for the future!

In the following posts, we will talk in detail about what this year was like for DigiU! Stay tuned!


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