DigiU understands the topics of DeFi, blockchain and cryptocurrencies and regularly analyzes and understands the market. To make sure you are also on trend and understand what is happening in the world, we have prepared a small overview, in which we present 5 current market news!Amazon is creating its own cryptocurrency, but first it will start accepting payments in bitcoin.
Bitcoin will be the first of eight cryptocurrencies that Amazon will accept. Later, it will be joined by etherium, cardano and bitcoin cash. By 2022, the company plans to create its own cryptocurrency, which for now is called native coin.Central Bank of China presented its first technical paper on the national cryptocurrency: e-CNY.
The Central Bank of China refers to e-CNY as the digital yuan, the counterpart of the fiat version of the currency. It is a hybrid financial instrument with the status of a means of payment in China. The issuance and circulation of e-CNY will be the same as that of the fiat yuan. Mastercard will add a new payment method - stabelcoin USDC, pegged to the dollar exchange rate at a ratio of 1 to 1.
Stablecoin will be used as an intermediate asset for cardholders who want to pay with cryptocurrencies. It will serve as a bridge between cryptocurrency in consumers' digital wallets and fiat currency paid to merchants.Turkey will introduce a bill that will provide a legal framework for dealing with cryptocurrency assets in the state.
Turkey's Ministry of Finance and Treasury announced that a bill to regulate cryptocurrency is ready and will be introduced in Parliament at the beginning of the next legislative session in October 2021. A 12-year-old boy from England made $160,000 on NFT tokens.
Benjamin Ahmed, 12, made $160,000 from a series of unique tokens of his own called Weird Whales. These are pixel-art images of whales symbolizing major cryptocurrency holders. Ahmed's collection sold out in literally nine hours.
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