The total return for July is:BTC 1.46 %
ETH 1.69 %
USDT 2.80%
Note that DigiU.Wealth's returns have been lowered since May due to the correction phase of the cryptocurrency market. During this period, not many successful projects appear, and there are fewer profitable farming opportunities. Besides increasing your funds, one of our most important tasks is to save them. We take the project selection seriously, and currently, there are very few projects that meet our requirements for liquidity placement.
Read more about the reasons for the temporary decline in returns here
DigiU.Wealth is the ecosystem's first investment product that has been generating monthly returns in cryptocurrency for 10 months, helping you create a passive income without risk and stress. We take BTC, ETH and USDT cryptocurrency for management, place it on decentralised exchanges and make a profit from exchange commissions. You can withdraw or reinvest your profit every month!
Follow the link, top up your account in BTC, USDT, ETH and make a profit with DigiU.Wealth next month!
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