For the last few months, DigiU.Wealth's returns have been lower than in the previous product operation period. Find out why this happened and when the returns will rise again from the post ️ From 19 May, the cryptocurrency market entered a correction phase. During this time, not many successful projects appear on the market, and fewer profitable farming opportunities arise. We are constantly looking for projects with better returns so that DigiU.Wealth will only generate high profits. But the current market situation suggests a temporary decline in suitable options that could bring better returns.
In addition to the task of multiplying funds, one of DigiU.Wealth's main objectives is to preserve them. That is why we conduct regular audits of smart contracts, and our DeFi analysts review and study the documentation. Few projects now meet our requirements for liquidity placements. We continue to monitor the market closely and look for the best risk-free projects to make your capital grow! The market is a dynamic system, permanent only in its constant changes. Please be aware of the current situation.
We will keep you updated on the latest news of the crypto market. Stay tuned!
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