Developments in artificial intelligence have been, and continue to be, one of DigiU's core activities. Our AI division creates developments based on various technologies, such as DigiU.Voice based on text-to-speech and DigiU.Vision based on computer vision. Our team is also currently working on natural language processing (NLP) technology in Russian and English.
AI is a trend of the 21st century! It is being implemented everywhere and affects all areas of human life. The artificial intelligence market is developing rapidly: By 2025, the artificial intelligence market will grow to $190 billion and generate $119 billion in profit.
AI can increase business productivity by 40%.
According to IDC research, global spending on cognitive and artificial intelligence systems will reach $57.6 billion in 2021.
The entire world is researching and developing artificial intelligence technological solutions: AI explores space!
Researchers from Cornell University and Harvard University have created a machine learning tool to analyse quantum matter to identify important differences in data - an approach that will help scientists unravel the most intricate phenomena in the subatomic field. AI cures coronavirus!
Scientists at Cambridge University have used computational biology and AI to find 160 drugs that can be used to treat coronavirus. 40 of them are already in clinical testing! AI explores human language!
EleutherAI has developed a publicly available analogue of GPT-3, GPT-Neo, an 825GB dataset for the language model collected from 22 different sources. GPT-3 is the latest version of the NLP algorithm. It learns from the data provided to it in text format and already composes poetry and prose, performs translations, dialogues and answers questions. In NLP research, DigiU's AI unit uses this particular algorithm. AI cleans the Earth of plastic!
Razer and ClearBot are working together to create an autonomous robot to clean the ocean of plastic litter. AI detects toxic plants!
Texas A&M University staff have applied machine learning algorithms to analyse the possibility of plants being contaminated by toxic nanoparticles.
Technology is the future! DigiU understands this, so we continue to explore the market and create our own AI developments.
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