DigiU.Wealth is a DigiU ecosystem investment product, which has already been generating monthly returns in cryptocurrency for 8 months. Total expected monthly returns from DigiU.Wealth is 4-8% in USDT, 1.5-3.5% in BTC, 1.5-3.5% in ETH.
If you haven't understood the product yet and are just thinking about investing in DigiU.Wealth, find the answers to the most important questions in this post Can I convert funds from BTC and ETH to USDT within DigiU.Wealth?
Yes, if you want to convert BTC or ETH into USDT, you need to submit a conversion request from the 2nd to the 5th of each month. To apply, you will have to go to your user account and fill in a form in the "Operations" tab of DigiU.Wealth main menu, in the "Funds conversion" section. Funds will be converted on the 6th or 7th and credited to your DigiU.Wealth account. What is the minimum entry amount for investing in DigiU.Wealth?
0.5 ETH
0.02 BTC
500 USDT
The minimum entry threshold is specified in cryptocurrency, not dollars. Where can I get a referral link to invite an affiliate to DigiU.Wealth?
You can find your referral link in your user account. To do this, you need to find the "Partner Link" tab in the "My Team" section. Do I receive referral income when partners from my affiliate network invest in DigiU.Wealth?
You receive referral income from your partners' total monthly profits only if you are a DigiU.Wealth investor. How is the DigiU.Wealth affiliate program referral reward accrued?
You will only receive an accrual from the total monthly return of the downline partner if you are a DigiU.Wealth investor. The referral program has 3 levels.
The percentage is the following:
1st line - 5%
2nd line - 3%
3rd line - 2%.
Invest in DigiU.Wealth yourself, share this post with your partners and get regular profits in cryptocurrency https://wealth.digiu.ai/
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