The total return for June is: 5.03% in USDT
2.35% in ETH
2,13% in BTC
Total expected monthly return from the product is now 4-8% USDT, 1.5-3.5% BTC, 1.5-3.5% ETH. DigiU.Wealth is the DigiU ecosystem product that provides its investors with regular returns in cryptocurrency. We take BTC, ETH and USDT cryptocurrency for management, place it on decentralised exchanges and make a profit from exchange commissions.
What are the advantages of investing in DigiU.Wealth?️ The monthly return in DigiU.Wealth is higher than the return on a bank deposit for an entire year.
The maximum return on a bank deposit in dollars averages at 3%-4% PER YEAR, which is approximately 0.3% per month. DigiU.Wealth's total expected MONTHLY RETURN in USDT, the cryptocurrency pegged to the US dollar, is 4%-8%!️ DigiU.Wealth's risks are reduced to the minimum:
There is no downside risk (risk of deposit reduction). There is no risk that the amount of your deposit will decrease. If you invested, for example, 1 BTC - the deposit will not decrease, it will only increase! We are not involved in trading! We are placing crypto-assets on DeFi-exchanges and get a commission from exchange operations. And you profit from that.
In our case, there is no risk of differences in cryptocurrency exchange rates. You can invest in USDT, which is a stabelcoin whose exchange rate is pegged to the US dollar. In this case, your deposit will not be affected by changes in cryptocurrency exchange rates.️ You choose your investment strategy.
DigiU.Wealth helps you earn passive income every month. It is also possible to reinvest profits. If your deposit is $10,000 and you reinvest your profit from DigiU.Wealth each month, you will receive $337,110 of net income over 10 years. If you choose not to reinvest your profits, it will be $36,000.
Follow the link, open an account and profit with DigiU.Wealth next month!
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