The terms 'blockchain' and 'cryptocurrency' came into use in 2008. More than 12 years have passed since then, and many fears, myths and stereotypes have developed around the decentralised finance market.
We urge you not to believe everything you hear! One of DigiU's fields of operation is blockchain, DeFi and cryptocurrencies. And we know for sure that not everything people say about it is true!
We've chosen 3 of the most popular myths about DeFi, blockchain and cryptocurrencies to bust them here and now!DeFi is a hype
DeFi (decentralised finance) is a new financial system. It is independent of the state and other regulatory bodies: neither banks nor courts can influence it. Almost the same financial instruments work in this segment as in the classical system, e.g. borrowing and lending. Accordingly, DeFi is not a hype. It is an alternative to the classical financial system, which can even replace it completely!
Blockchain is only suitable for money management
Blockchain can be used to manage financial transactions, but this is only one application of the technology. Blockchain can also be used for personal identification, signing contracts based on smart contract technology or electronic voting. For example, one of the main problems with online voting is privacy. Votes can be changed, and hackers can find out which choice a person has made. Blockchain solves this problem and ensures both the security and anonymity of the vote.
Bitcoin is a pyramid scheme, the new MMM
A pyramid scheme involves old investors earning income by attracting new ones. All investors are promised to have income, and for a pyramid scheme to work, new people need to be recruited all the time. Late investors are deliberately deceived because it is impossible to attract investments indefinitely. The bitcoin network does not promise income to anyone and can work with any number of users.
You may have heard another mistaken belief: blockchain = bitcoin. But that's not true either! Blockchain is a distributed register technology, and bitcoin is a digital currency that runs on this technology.
DigiU has a product that allows our partners to make money on the DeFi market. DigiU.Wealth - provides its investors with regular returns in cryptocurrency. We take BTC, ETH and USDT cryptocurrency for management, place it on decentralized exchanges and get profit from exchange commissions.
Don't believe the myths - believe the facts! Make money in the DeFi market with our DigiU.Wealth product while others are afraid
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