The World Economic Forum predicts that around 75 million people will lose their jobs by 2022 because of advances in technology and innovation. The reason for this is globalisation, technological advances and digitalisation requiring new skills. People who do not engage in regular self-learning and professional development risk being unemployed. But those who are in the process of constant learning won't just keep their jobs but are more likely to become the best in their field!
How do you always stay on track? How to earn more? How to be the best in your professional environment?
By learning, constantly improving and getting additional useful skills! It has become a trend in the 21st century, and a great tool has already been invented for this - EdTech! EdTech (Educational technology) is the introduction of smart technologies into the learning process: online education, virtual reality, gamification tools, etc. Thanks to EdTech, education and professional development is available to everyone here and now! The phenomenon is rapidly gaining popularity. Thanks to the new users because of the pandemic, the EdTech industry will exceed $243 billion by 2022.
Why is EdTech now in trend and right for everyone? Study online - choose any university or educational platform, the right time and place to study yourself!
Choose a personalised programme. You can choose the format and personal study programme that suits you.
Upgrade your qualifications and get a new profession at any age. The UN predicts that by 2030, more jobs may be available for young people, as older people might not adapt to work in a digital world. So education for people over 50 is already becoming a popular niche.
With DigiU, you can start getting new and relevant knowledge today, thanks to the DigiU.Education platform. It helps DigiU partners master topics such as Venture Capital, DeFi, Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies.
Stay on track, continue to learn and keep up with the fast-paced world! Gain new and up-to-date knowledge with DigiU.Education
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