DigiU - DigiU.Lab and artificial intelligence

DigiU.Lab and artificial intelligence

DigiU.Lab and artificial intelligence

The fourth industrial revolution is coming!
Artificial intelligence and blockchain are powerful engines of progress. They transform all areas of society and enable the rapid growth of the global economy.

???? In 2021, blockchain technology will get a major boost to widespread implementation. The number of blockchain projects around the world will increase by at least 30%. And the artificial intelligence market has already started to break its own records. The capitalisation of AI projects is expected to reach $267 billion by 2027. And this is just the beginning of a new technological era!

????‍???? DigiU is developing and creating products based on these two technologies! Now, our blockchain lab experts and DigiU AI developers are discussing how predictive analytics can be applied to blockchain projects.

???? Merging AI and blockchain tecnologies is one of DigiU.Lab's priorities. The DigiU Blockchain Lab's mission is to research and develop blockchain and cryptocurrency projects as well as find solutions at the intersection of blockchain and artificial intelligence technologies.

???? The development of the DigiU venture fund will support the successful joint use of AI and blockchain technologies. Attracting new projects and developers, we increase the chances of creating more successful innovative products!

Do you want to stay up to date with the latest technologies and make money from them? Join the project!


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