DigiU - What is KYC?

What is KYC?

What is KYC?

KYC is a mandatory procedure for identifying and verifying a client's identity.

How to complete KYC?

  1. Select «Profile» in your personal account.
  2. Go to the KYC section.
  3. Fill in your personal details in English and upload a document verifying your identity: a scan or photo of your passport.
  4. Upload a verification photo with the passport open and a piece of paper with «DigiU» written on it, along with the date of the procedure.
  5. Receive confirmation of your profile verification.

For which countries is verification available? You can check the list.

In July and August, we will open the KYC procedure for other countries as well.

Since June 30, 2024, the number of people wanting to complete KYC has increased, so the verification and confirmation time has become longer. We ask all DigiU shareholders to be understanding.

On Friday, we will hold a webinar with Alexey Ognev, where you can learn more about the future of DigiU shares, ecosystem events, future plans, and results.

Date and time:

12.07.2024, 13:00 (UTC)

Follow DigiU news to not miss the preliminary list of shareholders and the webinar invitation!


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