DigiU - Installments: Detailed Package Restoration Information

Installments: Detailed Package Restoration Information

Installments: Detailed Package Restoration Information

After the completion of the share sale, we received numerous questions about the restoration and increase of installments. Read this post to learn the details.

You can restore an installment plan in your personal account by following these steps:

  • Select «DigiU Shares»
  • Open the «Installments» section
  • Go to «Installment History»
  • Top up your account balance in the personal account and choose to restore the installment without bonuses or with the bonus part.

Please note that upon restoration, all conditions of the installment plan as of the cancellation date will remain in effect.

You can increase an active installment plan in your personal account by following these steps:

  • Select «DigiU Shares»
  • Open the «Installments» section
  • In the «Current Installment» section, click the «Increase Package» button
  • Choose the increase option that interests you.

Remember, the sale of new packages is stopped. You can only pay off already existing installment plans.

Be attentive to the payment of installments!

«Installments are crucial for the ecosystem because they help form the necessary pool of contracts that will allow us to finance new projects and achieve our goals for the second half of 2024 and 2025.

The next 2-3 months, we will monitor the payment dynamics of installments. If everything proceeds according to schedule, we will remove the option to increase the package by the end of the year», commented Alexey Ognev.

Take advantage of all the ecosystem offers and remember that you can receive a pleasant bonus for every action within the ecosystem.


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