DigiU - Sale of DigiU Shares Completed

Sale of DigiU Shares Completed

Sale of DigiU Shares Completed

Congratulations to all DigiU co-owners! We have completed the sale of new share packages!

On 01.07.2024, the final June snapshot took place, involving 20,825 investors and 3,496,285,073 DigiU shares. Due to active overdue payments, 540 investors did not participate in the snapshot.

What awaits investors in July?

  • All purchased shares for the periods:

First group: 01.11.2019 – 31.12.2023 23:59 (UTC).

Second group: 01.01.2024 – 31.04.2024 23:59 (UTC).

Third group: 01.05.2024 – 30.06.2024 23:59 (UTC).

Compensation will be made for the difference between the purchase price and the company valuation after the share sale is completed (the crediting mechanism is similar to X11).

  • The number of shares for recalculation will be published from 10.07.2024 to 15.07.2024.
  • The recalculation and crediting of shares will occur from 16.07.2024 to 20.07.2024.

Reminder! You can still earn DigiU shares by completing tasks in your personal account. After completion, you will be able to participate in Drop X on 25.07.2024.

Alexey Ognev will provide more details about the completion of the share sale, statistics, important July dates, and Drop X in a webinar this Thursday.

Date and time:

04.07.2024, 13:00 (UTC)

Join the webinar to get answers to all your questions.


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