DigiU - Contest Results

Contest Results

Contest Results

Congratulations to the 50 winners of the Telegram Premium giveaway!

Check if you've won a prize by following the link.

How to Claim Your Prize?

Contact the tech support.

  1. In your account, click the «Need Help» icon in the top right corner of the page.
  2. In your message, select the subject «Other».
  3. State that you are a giveaway winner and include your Telegram username starting with @.

In June, 8,000 new users joined our ecosystem. We’ve added special tasks for newcomers in the personal account section.

Complete tasks, claim rewards in the form of DigiU shares, and get a chance to participate in a special secret drop happening in July after the share sales end.

Stay tuned for upcoming tasks for Investors and Partners.

Please note that after the share sales end, daily rewards will no longer be available. Make sure to take advantage of all the ecosystem's opportunities by 01.07.2024.

Today, Alexey Ognev highlighted key webinars that will help you understand the ecosystem:

Reminder: Only 5 days left to make a decision. After 01.07.2024, the sale of new DigiU packages will be closed.

Watch the webinars to learn more about the DigiU ecosystem and make the right investment decision.


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