DigiU - Results of the May Snapshot

Results of the May Snapshot

Results of the May Snapshot

Congratulations to everyone on the completion of May!

In the first main snapshot, a total of 18 018 investors and 3 521 245 065.13 DigiU shares participated.

In the first group: 17 171 investors and 3 315 351 313.77 shares

In the second group: 2 626 investors and 145 784 159.54 shares

In the third group: 17 911 investors and 60 109 591.82 shares

Attention! 452 investors didn’t participate in the first main snapshot due to active overdue payments. Don't miss the opportunity to get the most out of the ecosystem's offers; make your installment payments on time.

In the Apato snapshot, 567 investors who purchased 27 818 312.2 shares participated. Among them, 570 Vesna Townhouse tokens were distributed.

  • The maximum allocation was 107.03.
  • The minimum allocation was 0.01.

A partner from Vietnam, by paying an installment $30 000 of $12662, received DigiU shares and 107.03 tokens of the first Apato real estate object as a gift. He significantly increased his portfolio by approximately ~$5 351,5.

You can review the allocation results in the «Investor’s Portfolio» section.

Reminder! There are 30 days left until the completion of DigiU share sales. We answered all questions in this post.

Stay tuned for updates to not miss the next DigiU share snapshot on June 16, 2024, at 00:00 (UTC).


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