DigiU - Alexey Ognev on the Development of the DigiU Ecosystem: Highlights

Alexey Ognev on the Development of the DigiU Ecosystem: Highlights

Alexey Ognev on the Development of the DigiU Ecosystem: Highlights

Alexey Ognev on the Development of the DigiU Ecosystem: Highlights

On May 10, 2024, a special webinar was held from Bali, where the founders shared the results of the first half of the year and discussed future plans.

In this post, we share the main points from the speech of DigiU CEO.

In the last 6 months, we have been moving towards the key date of June 30, 2024, which marks the end of DigiU share sales, following the roadmaps announced at the beginning of the year.

As of today, we have 200 billion shares. 10 billion of these are shares allocated for the crowdfunding stage, of which just over 2% have been purchased.

Where do we want to be by the time sales end in July?

We aim to reduce the total number of shares to 100 billion.

What does the completion of share sales and their burning provide?

It provides legal stability and protection for shareholders, laying the foundation for further development.

Within this framework, we see several processes:

  • Burning and recalculating shares
  • Reorganization
  • Company valuation

«Completing the sales allows us to determine the final number of shares, which we will see in the form of installment plans and purchased packages. This step enables us to proceed with an official valuation, recalculating shares to increase investor portfolios, and reorganizing the company. You can learn more about the terms and dates of these processes at the provided link.

In September, we plan to complete all procedures and, after submitting the application for company valuation, announce the choice of jurisdiction that will consider the interests of shareholders», shared the CEO.

Learn more about the ecosystem's plans from Alexey Ognev's speech at the May 10, 2024, webinar. Watch from 01:18:00:








On Thursday, May 23, 2024, there will be another webinar with Alexey Ognev, where you will learn more about the development of the ecosystem and hear answers to your questions.

Start at 13:00 (UTC)

The webinar will be held in Russian, English, Spanish, Italian, French, Vietnamese, Indonesian, and Hindi.

Leave a question for the CEO via the link.


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