DigiU - Frequently Asked Questions About the End of Share Sales

Frequently Asked Questions About the End of Share Sales

Frequently Asked Questions About the End of Share Sales

In a special webinar on May 10, 2024, we discussed the end of share sales and the main events leading up to June 30, 2024.

In this post, we have compiled frequently asked questions and asked the CEO of DigiU to answer them:

What will happen on June 30, 2024?

This is the final day of DigiU share sales. From July 1, 2024, it will no longer be possible to purchase new packages. You will only be able to pay active installments.

When will the snapshots take place?

June 1, 2024, 00:00 UTC

June 16, 2024, 00:00 UTC

July 1, 2024, 00:00 UTC

Which groups of DigiU shares are participating?

First group – shares purchased between November 1, 2019, and December 31, 2023, 23:59 (UTC).

Second group – shares purchased between January 1, 2024, and April 30, 2024, 23:59 (UTC).

Third group – shares purchased between May 1, 2024, and June 30, 2024, 23:59 (UTC).

Is it possible to participate in all 3 snapshots?

Participation in the snapshots is available to everyone and will allow you to increase your investment portfolio during the recalculation in July. Investors who have been with us for a long time can be in all three share groups and get the maximum. However, because the distribution proportions vary, everyone will have equal opportunities in each snapshot.

To participate in the snapshot and get more DigiU shares from the recalculation, you need to make any payments by June 1, June 16, and July 1. You can refer to the table of distribution proportions for the July recalculation.

How do I know I am a snapshot participant?

In the «Investor Portfolio», you will find information about which of the three snapshots you are part of.

Why are snapshots being conducted?

This activity stimulates share sales before the end to ensure the company has sufficient funding until the end of 2025.

If I arranged an installment in December 2023 and updated the package in May 2024, will it be considered an installment issued from May this year?

No, the payment count starts from the date of arrangement. Package updates do not affect the payment schedule. You are included in the group if you made payments according to the schedule and have no active overdue payments on the snapshot date.

How to participate in the snapshot?

You need to make a one-time payment for a new DigiU share package or make an installment payment.

If you regularly pay installments, you will automatically be included in the snapshot.

Please review the conditions:

  • Each group of shares has different weights in the snapshot. This approach takes into account the interests of all company investors. Proportions are indicated in this table.
  • Proportions may be adjusted within 15% after sales close.
  • All active installments arranged during the specified periods will participate in the recalculation.
  • Having an active overdue payment at the time of the snapshot excludes you from participation.
  • Any investor can participate in all snapshots if their purchase dates fall within the specified periods.
  • All shares purchased during the specified periods will be credited, compensating for the difference between the purchase price and the company's valuation after the share sales end (similar to the X11 mechanism).
  • The number of shares for recalculation will be determined after sales close and published between July 10 and 15, 2024.
  • Recalculation and share allocation will take place from July 16 to 20, 2024.

If you still have questions, follow the link and leave them in the document. On the May 23, 2024, webinar, the CEO of DigiU will definitely answer them!


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