DigiU - WebWise Ventures to attend Blockchain Life and TOKEN2049

WebWise Ventures to attend Blockchain Life and TOKEN2049

WebWise Ventures to attend Blockchain Life and TOKEN2049

The team from the WebWise Ventures venture fund, led by Alexander I, will attend two major events this week.

Blockchain Life is an international forum dedicated to Web3, cryptocurrencies, blockchain, and mining. Among the speakers are Sergey Khitrov, founder of Listing.Help, Jets.Capital, and Blockhcian Life, Justin Sun, founder of TRON, and Ben Zhou, co-founder and CEO of Bybit.

Blockchain Life will host over 8,000 participants from 120 countries, with 160 speakers.

TOKEN 2049 is a global conference where everyone interested in cryptocurrency and blockchain exchange ideas and shape the industry. Key speakers include Roger Ver, CEO of Bitcoin.com, Arthur Hayes, CIO of Maelstrom, Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram, and Balaji Srinivasan, from The Network State.

TOKEN2049 will welcome over 10,000 participants from 4,000 companies, with 200 speakers.

Blockchain Life and TOKEN2049 are the main events of the first half of 2024. Participation in them will increase the visibility of our fund, expand our list of useful contacts with funds and crypto investors, facilitate valuable deals, and strengthen our expertise.

We will share the results in the next posts and during the webinar on 19.04.2024, at 13:00 (UTC). Stay tuned for updates!


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